3178 Linden Dr.
Bristol, VA 24202
United States
Friday, Nov 21st
Practice Session: 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.
4-Game Sweeper – 6:30 p.m.
Saturday, Nov 22nd
Roll call is 30 minutes prior to all squads.
A Squad- 8:30 a.m. – (14 baker games)
B Squad- 2:30 p.m. - (14 baker games)
Advance top 16 teams (based on 48 team entries, may be adjusted.)
Sunday, Nov 23rd
Roll call is 30 minutes prior to squad.
9:00 a.m. - Round Robin Baker match play 16-games (based on 16 team finals, may be adjusted.)
Top 4 Stepladder Baker Finals
Host(s) – Interstate Bowl, 3178 Linden Dr., Bristol, VA 24202 – Shawn Lavender – fellow PBA50 Member
Field Capacity – 72 TEAMS (144 BOWLERS)
Participant must be a USBC or PBA LBC Member in good standing. Non-Members must meet the PBA minimum average requirements of 200 for 36 games in a USBC or PBA LBC sanctioned league. PBA Members have priority over any Non-Members up to 7 days before the event starts.
This will be an all Baker doubles format event with one player under the age of 50 and one player over the age of 50 signing up as a doubles team.
For teams that involve one Non-Member, the PBA Member has to register first to reserve the team position. If two Non-Members want to enter the Event, then you will have to wait to the Non-Member date for registration.
Entry Fee
PBA Members: $245
Non-Members: $310
Entry Deadline
Online entries for PBA Members close at midnight on Thursday, Nov. 13th.
Non-Member entries start - Friday, Nov. 14th.
PBA Member/Non-Member Entry Cut-Off: Monday, Nov 17th, Midnight.
After the deadline, entries must be made directly with the PBA South Region Manager. Non-Members will be confirmed on a space available basis.
Payout Ratio – 1:3
This event is a South Region Event and will only count for points in the South Region. Only Full PBA Members will be able to qualify for the year-end Finals. To qualify for the BowlTV RPI, you must bowl in 3 events within your region in the calendar year. This Event has missed the cutoff for 2025 RPI Event. Full PBA members will earn points in this event towards the 2026 PBA RPI Event.
Pattern - TBD
1st Place is projected to pay $4,000
Final cash spot is guaranteed to pay a minimum of $950