Frequently Asked Questions
To sign up for a tournament, you can access the list of upcoming tournaments in your Account. Follow this link to either log in with your PBA number or sign up for a new account. Select “Current” from the Tournaments & Events section of your Account Home to display the full list of upcoming events. Find the event you’re interested in registering for and select the three green bars in the first column to expand the event details. If Registration is open, you will see a link that says “Click Here to Enter This Event.” Click this link to start the registration process. This does not guarantee you a spot in the tournament.
Please note that you can only join a PBA National Tour stop if you are a full member. If you have any questions you can contact your PBA Regional Manager or Membership Services at [email protected]
Tap on PBA Tour located in the top navigation of pba.com. From there you can view the TV schedule and all tournament schedules.
Regional Tour - $220
Regional Tour - $285 (non-members)
Senior Tour - $450
Senior Tour - $500 (non-members)
PBA Tour - $500 PBA Tour - $600 (non-members)
Entry fees may vary by tournament.
PBA Tour
Please contact the PBA Tour Tournament Director to find out availability of non-member entries.
PBA Regional Tour
Non-members may enter PBA Regional Tour tournaments through the PBA on-line system which can be accessed by logging in to your account or signing up here. On-site entries may be taken but there is no guarantee a spot will be available.
Non-members may enter a PBA50 tournament through the PBA on-line system which can be accessed by logging in to your account or signing up here. On-site entries may be taken but there is no guarantee a spot will be available.
PBA Tour Non-members may cash once per calendar year without being required to become a PBA Member. The U.S. Open and USBC Masters do not count as cashes on tour.
PBA Regional Tour Non-members may cash twice during the calendar year without being required to become a PBA member. Non-members who cash twice and choose to bowl again during the season must join or waive their right to prize money. The Member/Non-member Doubles event in each region does not count toward the two cash rule. PBA50 Tour Non-members may cash in one (1) PBA50 Tour tournament during the season (excluding the Senior U.S. Open and USBC Senior Masters) without being required to become a PBA member. PBA50 Tour non-members who cash once and choose to bowl again during the season must join or waive their right to prize money
To bowl in a PBA event as a non-member you must meet the average requirement to become a PBA member. You must average at least 200 in an USBC sanctioned league.
All non-members competing in PBA events must fill out a non-member voluntary acknowledgement form prior to bowling, which you will receive at the tournament site. You will need your Social Security number and your USBC Certification card to fill out the form. All tournaments are USBC Certified.
You an view the official PBA rules in the PBA Rulebook here. Please reference PBA Rulebook Rule 13: Appearance Guidelines and Rule 14: Logo Guidelines.
A mandatory non-member meeting is scheduled prior to all tournaments to go over rules and procedures. The time and place will be noted on the schedule available at pba.com. An alphabetical squad assignment sheet will be available on pba.com and will post in the player locker room. You are not required to register your bowling equipment prior to the start of a PBA competition. However, you will be required to log each bowling ball on your score card and are responsible for ensuring that your equipment meets PBA specifications. You may be subject to random spot checks at any time during the tournament and mandatory weigh-in prior to cashers or match play rounds. PBA staff will be available to assist you with checking your equipment if needed. Roll call will be conducted thirty (30) minutes prior to the start of the first qualifying round or fifteen (15) minutes prior to scheduled pro-squads. Your presence is required in roll call to confirm tournament entries, and obtain any information that may be touched on by the Tournament Director.
The PBA employs a one (1) pair lane courtesy at all times and is referred to as the “Double Jump” rule. A “Double Jump” occurs when, following another player’s delivery on your pair, you step onto the approach before one (1) competitor on the pair to your left and one (1) competitor on the pair to the right have thrown a shot. When you master this rule, you will find that the pace of play is much smoother and faster than when using the ordinary two (2) lane courtesy rule.
Your score is the most direct way for you to measure your success in a PBA event. It is extremely important for you to ensure the accuracy of your scores, as well as attesting the scores of one other player on your pair. As a courtesy, the player finishing the game first should record the game scores and complete the plus/minus totals for everyone on the pair during all phases of the tournament. During match play, verify and initial your opponents score sheet directly following the match. The PBA scoring system (plus/minus) is derived by adding or subtracting the amount of pins from a 200 score for each game, on a cumulative basis. Record all equipment used during competition by the end of the first game it was put into play. The documentation of each ball on the score sheet should include:
1. The last four digits of the serial number
2. Grips used (if any)
3. Extra holes or any holes have been drilled deeper
4. Slugs or plugs used
The Tournament Director has the right to spot check any ball for compliance with specification guidelines. Additionally, your opponent must verify and record all re-racks that you take. You are permitted only two re-racks per game during competition and must verify each re-rack with an opposing player before taking it.
After qualifying rounds, players who finish in certain positions may be required to weigh in all equipment listed on their score sheet at the official spot check thirty (30) minutes prior to the start of the next round (weigh-in positions are dependent on the number of cash spots). If you fail to comply with the above mentioned rules, you may be subject to an improper weigh-in fine or disqualification.
The PBA owns the exclusive right to regulate the use of its name, trademarks and logos. The PBA will provide opportunities, in the form of licensing and sponsorships, for companies to promote and display their products, product names, trademarks and logos to consumers. Companies that desire to take advantage of these opportunities must first register their products with the PBA, so that these products might be cleared for use in PBA competition. A current list of product registered companies can be found here: Product Registered Companies. This list is also posted at every PBA tournament. Basic rules:
1. Competitors may not use any non-registered bowling products in PBA competition.
2. Competitors may not use a non-registered bowling ball in PBA competition. Failure to comply will result in immediate disqualification.
3. Competitors may not display non-registered company names and/or product logos in PBA competition.
4. Competitors may not darken or in any way obstruct any product registered logo Locate approved equipment list here
Coaching is allowed in all levels of PBA competition. During non-televised portions of an event, coaches and manufacturer representatives (Ball Reps) are not permitted in the bowlers’ area at any time during tournament competition. During televised portions of an event, coaches and/or manufacturer representatives may communicate with a competitor during official television warm-up time or commercial breaks only. Coaches and Ball Reps must vacate the bowler’s area immediately upon request of the presiding Tournament Director or television Coordinating Producer.
A maximum of nine (9) bowling balls per competitor will be allowed in the locker room during qualifying. During match play all finalists will be allowed an unlimited number of bowling balls in the locker room. Loose bowling balls will not be permitted in the locker room.
Competitors may not consume alcohol products on the tournament host center premises until their competition is completed for the day. Competitors may not consume tobacco products on the tournament host center premises during competition. Competitors may only consume alcohol and use tobacco products in a designated area to be determined by the Tournament Director. Competitors may not consume alcohol or use tobacco products while wearing their name shirt.
Non-members participating in PBA events are not eligible to earn a PBA 300 ring.
You have two different options to qualify for membership in the PBA:
1. Average 200 or better within the past 12 months with a minimum of 36 games OR
2. Cash in one of the PBA's more than 180 Regional Tournaments; or open PBA Tour and PBA50 Tour tournaments.
Go to pba.com, click on “Join.” Enter your account information to login and then select "Purchase Membership." Reinstatement fees may apply. If you have any questions, please email [email protected]
You must be a member in good standing with the United States Bowling Congress (USBC) in order to participate in PBA events. If your USBC membership is suspended, you will not be permitted to bowl in PBA events until your USBC membership has been reinstated.
Visit your Member Home page here, visit the Account section and click on My Profile to access your account information. From there, click on the Edit Profile button on the top left side of the page. This will allow you to update your profile information. Please make sure you click “Save Info” when your changes are complete.
If you are unable to access this section, please call Membership Services at 206-332-9688 for assistance.
To update the credit card information on your account, login to your Account Dashboard and select My Stored Payments in the Manage Payments section of your dashboard. From here, click the link that says “Enter New Payment Information to Store.” Next you will be prompted to select a new payment type and enter your information. Click Save once complete.
If you require further assistance, you can contact PBA Member Services at 206-332-9688.
Patches and Bag Tags are $3.00 each. They are available for purchase through your Regional Manager or the PBA Tour/PBA50 Tournament Directors.
Please submit an email to [email protected] requesting a new card. Please include your full name, PBA Member number, phone number and mailing address within the body of the email.
To sign up for a tournament, you can access the list of upcoming tournaments in your Account. Select "Current" from the Tournaments & Events section of your Account Home to display the full list of upcoming events. Find the event you're interested in registering for and select the three green bars in the first column to expand the event details. If Registration is open, you will see a link that says "Click Here to Enter This Event." Click this link to start the registration process. Please note that you can only join a PBA National Tour stop if you are a full member. If you have any questions you can contact your PBA Regional Manager or Membership Services at [email protected]
Congratulations on your 300 game! You can access the 300 Ring order form here or through your Account Home page. Click on the 300 Ring Order Form listed under the Resources section of your account. This link contains the order form and instructions for submission.
If you are having trouble logging in, please call Membership Services at 206-332-9688 or email [email protected] to retrieve your username and password.
If you wish to change your membership, please e-mail [email protected] with your request.
The PBA and host center are always looking for volunteers. If you wish to volunteer for the tournament, please contact the center regarding availability.
If for some reason you are unable to print or otherwise bring your tickets to the event, please email the link provided on the ticketing website and accommodations will be made for you to pick up your tickets at the front gate when you arrive at the venue. Electronic copies of your tickets on your phone or tablet are perfectly acceptable.
TV show tickets go on sale one month or more prior to the start of the tournament. Please check http://www.pba.com/Tickets. When tickets are available a link to purchase them will be provided.
TV show tickets can be purchased at PBA.com by following the “Tickets” link. Daily passes are only available the ‘day-of’ at the door. Please call the bowling center for Pro-Am Entries.
PBA members do not have to pay to purchase spectator tickets for qualifying portions of the event. Entry is free when you show your PBA member card at the front gate. Free entry is for PBA members only, guests accompanying you must pay. PBA members must purchase a ticket for entry to any TV show.
Seating is first come-first served for each section. So, you are guaranteed a seat within that section, but not a specific seat in that section. Everyone must be seated 30 minutes prior to the start of the telecast. You will want to arrive 60 – 90 minutes early to line up for your seating.
At this time there are no PBA Videos available for sale. If they become available in the future, it will be announced on the website.
On pba.com, click Menu/LANE & EQUIPMENT/Approved Equipment & Lane Resources. Then select the appropriate registered ball manufacturer to see a list of all approved equipment.
If sponsor offers are available they will be listed in the PBA Newsletter for our members or by clicking the banner ads on pba.com.